Cultivating a Godly and Positive Outlook


Too many have resigned themselves that their attitude is “just the way I am.” But that is precisely the problem- accepting defeat and succumbing to a poor attitude. A bad attitude is like a broken arm, it can be fixed. No one says, “My arm is broken, that’s just the way I am.” They go to a doctor, get the bone set, have a cast on and the bone heals. A broken attitude needs to be brought to the Great Physician, reset and allowed to grow and heal in the right direction. The Bible declares, “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.” Our thoughts determine our actions. Wrong, ungodly thoughts lead to wrong, ungodly actions. So, how do we cultivate a Godly outlook?

We must realize the battlefield is the mind.     Then, we must do some self-inventory. What are your positive traits? List your assets. For example, suppose I was to do this. I could get a pen and paper and write, “I have a good wife. I have a healthy body and a sound mind. I obtained a good education. I have supportive friends and a Biblical worldview.” When I see myself in that light, I don’t have to listen to the devil’s lies and accusations. I don’t have to be morose because of a bad day, because I know who and what I am .  

Next, we  need to examine ourselves to see if we are holding onto any sins that may be hindering us from being who God wants us to be. I John 1:6-9 reads,

If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth.

But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin. If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Our salvation  is fixed forever!  We have been saved, sealed, delivered, shall not come into judgement because we HAVE eternal life, present tense.  We have it, it’s eternal, that means it lasts forever, if it can be lost, it’s not eternal (see John 5:24 10:29,   Ephesians 1:13, 14, 4:30).   BUT, our fellowship, our closeness with God, can be interrupted from our end when we pursue sinful things. We stop focusing on the Godly things we ought, and so become ineffective for the cause of Christ. Self-inventory and confession of sins to God is important for a clear conscience and a healthy outlook.

Next, having dealt with sin, we move into the area of positive confession. That is, speak in faith the things we know to be true by God’s word. Positive confession is NOT declaring whatever we want and believing that confession will magically make it happen. Positive confession is in essence, verbally agreeing with what God says in His word. Confess of yourself, “I am saved and loved by God” (John 3:16). “I have purpose and God will work all things for my spiritual good” (Romans 8:28). These are just two of many verses one can use to affirm by faith, the things that God is said about life and you.

Lastly, ask God for your need and trust in Him to provide. James 4:2 declares, “you do not have because you do not ask.” So many Christians sing the blues over their present condition, never having asked God for direction or help or provision. When you ask, BELIEVE! Don’t just believe IN God, BELIEVE GOD! James 1:6-7 reads,

But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord.

Many pray in doubt, they don’t really expect God can or will do what they ask. Hence they reason their prayer request is denied. God answers EVERY prayer, there is no such thing as an “unanswered prayer.” Yes, no, and wait are all valid answers to prayer. Sometimes God says no because what we ask for is not what is best for us. Sometimes God says “Wait.” because He knows we are not yet ready for what we are asking for. Regardless, let us pray with confidence, knowing God will provide our needs, when we need them. Wants and needs are not the same thing. God promises to provide needs.

So to sum up, gaining a positive outlook-

  1. Self-inventory- examine and take stock of your situation.

  2. List your positive traits and believe it

  3. List any undealt with sin, and confess it to God.

  4. Positive confession- agree with what God says about life and you.

  5. Ask God to provide your needs and trust Him to do so.